Welcome to BuildSD!
Detail of "Past, Present, Future" artwork at San Diego High School.

Icon representing: General news and updates.Welcome to BuildSD!

Detail of "Past, Present, Future" artwork at San Diego High School.SAMUEL

San Diego // [taps mic] is this thing on?

What will San Diego look like in a year? How about five, or ten, or twenty? It’s a question we ask ourselves a lot - not just because we’re curious, but because the power to know what’s being built in the city is the power to help shape its future. BuildSD came about because we realized there wasn't a good resource to keep up with everything happening here in San Diego, so we decided to make one ourselves. We're still getting started, but with your help, we can make BuildSD a super useful tool for everyone.

Right now, we're busy adding all the Downtown projects to the map to give you a great overview of what's happening in the heart of San Diego. Once that's done, we're planning to start adding projects in Uptown and Mid-City communities to our map, along with journal entries that log the progress of and our thoughts on the most important projects city-wide.

We're also really passionate about transit-oriented development (TOD) and its impact on our communities. Our journal entries will explore how TOD (and our pattern of development as a whole) is shaping our urban environment and how we can make our city more connected and sustainable.

We're excited to share these updates with you and hope you'll join us on this journey. It’s going to be an exciting ride, and it starts now.

-Sam, Nehemiah, Maxwell, Ethan, Myra, and Robert